Bet ABC AHCAsian Handicap Bets

Asian Handicaps are mostly Football Prediction bets, whereby one of the opposing parties starts their face-off with a handicap. The term has gained a lot of popularity over the last few years. The specialty of the Asian Handicap lies in the fact that unlike to ’normal‘ Handicap Bets in case of a possible draw you’ll get your stake refunded.
Contrary to the usual handicap bets the range here differs from one quarter goal to several goals. Those can vary from half or third to even quarter goals.

The term Asian Handicap is ordinarily used for Football Prediction betting systems but is sometimes used in other sports as well. It was originated by a journalist named Joe Saumarez Smith. In November 1998 the Indonesian bookmaker Joe Phan asked him to translate this Result Prediction method formerly known as ‚hang cheng betting‘ by bookmakers in Asia.

Basically Asian Handicaps cut both ways for bookmakers. The upside is the fact that the risk for bookmakers minimizes because trading with the party is simplified and the amount of wagering can be balanced on each side of the match. This gives bookmakers the chance to take bigger positions on major matches.
The downside with this particular Result Prediction gamble lies for bookmakers within the lower margin offerings. Those do not contribute such significant profits as for example the 1X2 system does.

A lot of the matches stand with a handicap of one half (½ ) or even a quarter (¼ ) intervals, while a quarter bet is the most difficult. Nevertheless in both cases a push is not an option, because a half-goal can not be scored.

In a quarter handicap bet the wager will be split into the next two quarter intervals. If the wagerer bets on Team A ¼ and loses his bet the whole wager is lost. If the match ends in a draw, half the bet is seen as won and the wagerer gets back half his stake multiplied with the given rate. If he wins his bet the wagerer will get his stake refunded multiplied with the given rate.

A ½ Asian Handicap on the home team for instance is just the same as a DC1/0 bet which is described in this encyclopedia as well. On top of that the full Asian bet is almost the same as the ½ Asian Handicap. With the 0 Asian Handicap the wagerer gets back his full stake in case of a draw.